• Education Management Consulting

We at Alu Connect help school management to improve institutional effectiveness, invest in the right resources, introduce strategic planning and address strategic issues such as performance improvement, operating efficiency, cost management and reduction, growth strategy, organizational effectiveness and funding strategy. 

  • Commercial Logo Consultant

Every individual and every industry is different, so you should consider trends and styles among your competitors as well as your own taste. Whether you’re a start-up entrepreneur or a multinational company who wants to lead the trend, make sure your logo reflects your brand! We at Alu Connect have a scientific way of building up your logo to make it the key success factor of your company.

  • Safety Consultancy (Structural - Educational & Residential) 

We  aim to identify and eliminate or mitigate, foreseeable risks in buildings and other structures.  Safety is the primary necessity of any organisation, be it educational, residential or commercial. Most of the safety of Educational and Residential buildings are compromised putting human life and property at great risk.

Whether providing core consultancy, strategic advice, fire prevention through specialised fire safety design, inspection and risk assessment, or post-fire/damage recovery, our work is grounded in science.

We provide insight into risk and human behaviour, advanced techniques in simulation and analysis and international investment in research to stay at the forefront of safety management.