CADS is an essential & innovative physical training program that gives real solutions and helps children to be strong and confident, with a love of life; an ability to protect themselves and also be skilled to administer first-aid in a crisis.

This unique program, the first ever of its kind in India, is developed by Derrick AG Angelsz in conjunction with health-care professionals & self-defence experts, with a focus on developing a safe, holistic and gentle program for children.

CADS entails both Self-Defence & First Aid training, an unbeatable combination!

We are super passionate about empowering children how to look after themselves by becoming aware of potentially threatening situations and how to avoid them.

We are excited about training kids in the basics of self-defence because there are so many benefits that a child can gain, including true character development that can shape their lives for the better.

We may verbally educate our children on the topic of danger, tell them not to go near strangers or accept sweets from strangers, etc. However, unless a child learns these skills experientially, that is by role playing and practicing the appropriate responses, he or she will not be effective in a real life situation.

We teach practical self-defence solutions for children to protect themselves from bullying, rough play, inappropriate touching and even abduction. We teach kids to identify and be aware of danger, use their voice, run away to safety and some soft and safe self-defence solutions to protect themselves in dangerous or uncomfortable situations.

Our lessons are a blast. Every lesson is filled with fun and challenging activities that develop skills including coordination, balance, strength, speed, agility, self-confidence and assertiveness.

Children will learn these Real Skills for Life:

  • Have fun and make new friends
  • Become assertive, not aggressive
  • Increase his/her ability to focus
  • Develop greater levels of confidence, patience, discipline, ability to learn.
  • Develop a greater ability to concentrate for longer periods of time
  • Become fitter, stronger and healthier
  • Develop leadership skills
  • Be less likely to bend to peer pressure and have the strength to say ‘NO’ when appropriate and have the courage to say ‘YES’ when appropriate
  • Develop practical skills to protect him/herself in real life situations
  • Administer First-Aid during need & crises before any help reaches them.
  • Build confidence in times of emergency and act consciously.
  • Safety is our number 1 priority! Your child will learn and develop in a nurturing, positive environment.


The CADS Program – Self-Defence

CADS gives children some simple and practical empowering tools to protect themselves from dangerous or uncomfortable situations.

For young children, learning self-defence helps build confidence, assertiveness, concentration, discipline and respect for self and others. We absolutely DO NOT teach kids to fight or be aggressive.

What we do is reinforce all of the same important rules of life as you do: we play gently, we take care of each other and we never hurt our friends or family. In addition to teaching the basic self-defence skills, our program also helps develop children’s balance, coordination and overall health and fitness through jungle fitness games and activities that are ideal for young children.

Importantly, our program is gentle on children’s minds and hearts. Children are innocent and we want to keep them that way, so we don’t scare children or create anxiety about their world. The self-defence skills we are teaching are embedded in fun and exciting games that the children love, and our language and explanations are 100% child-friendly.

Through CADS, children develop:

  • Agility
  • Assertiveness
  • Awareness
  • Balance
  • Basic Anatomy
  • Bursting Power
  • Cardio and Endurance
  • Communication
  • Coordination
  • Determination
  • Flexibility
  • Group Behaviour
  • Listening to Orders
  • Reactive Power
  • Self-confidence
  • Speed
  • Strength and Power 


The CADS Program – Basics of First-Aid & Safety Awareness

It is a tragedy that accidents kill more children than any other cause. Our lessons address everyday situations to ensure that children develop knowledge of safe and unsafe environments, as well as how to avoid dangers and accidents.

Every Child will be trained in Hands on CPR and Primary First-Aid. Making the first call for help and reacting to situation with reaction time in mind. 

First aid training is important not just for children but for everybody. In an emergency, a health care provider is usually not around. It is very beneficial for kids to learn first aid at a young age so that they can grow up with the knowledge. From age 4 onwards, children can being to learn basic skills.

The most common emergencies can be simple cuts, abrasions, fainting and head injuries. If parents are familiar with the basics of handling such emergencies, they can impart that knowledge to their children based on their level of understanding. However, educating children in first aid is best done through schools. It is a lot easier to go to schools and and teach children in a much organized way.

Keeping children safe being a top priority for parents, it is essential that they get to know the basics of first aid and also ensure that their children are well-equipped to handle medical emergencies.

Every lesson includes a segment on safety awareness from the following topics:

  • Identify and avoid danger
  • Move to safety
  • First-Aid
  • Water safety
  • Fire safety
  • Electrical safety
  • Home safety
  • Animal safety
  • Cyber safety
  • Burns
  • Poisons
  • Bullying
  • Stranger danger
  • It’s your body
  • Evacuation (do inquire for details)
  • Crowds
  • People who can help

For any child, no matter how young, these basic skills are their best weapons to stay safe!

Age Group: 4 to 16

The Instructors

Our instructors are hand picked from the best from the industry of health-care and self-defence. Our instructors follow the protocol and syllabus created especially for children keeping in mind the demographic, habitat and environment of their stay. Our instructors are first screened to qualify to come in contact with children to maintain the safety of children at all times be it health-care professionals or self-defence professionals.

The result: a new, exciting and holistic approach to children’s well-being – CADS.

To know more, do get in touch with us on our listed co-ordinates.